+91 94014 00049     admin@ajmallawcollege.in
News:: Admission Notification for 5 Years B.A, LL.B (Hons.) course for the session 2025-26

Library Rules and Regulations


    1. All the students and  employees of the college  are members of the library.
    2. Enter your name and sign in the entrance register kept at the entrance while using the library.
    3. Enter the library in proper manner and exit quietly.
    4. Strict Discipline and Silence shall be maintained in the library and speak softly if needed.
    5. Using Mobile Phones is strictly prohibited in the library premises.
    6. Drink and food are not allowed in the library.
    7. No personal belongings allowed inside the library.
    8. A student can borrow only two books at a time for a period of 15 days.
    9. A staff members can borrow maximum five books at a time for a period of one month.
    10. Books should be handled with care . Marking on the books, , Underlining, cutting and erasing for damaging pages etc will be viewed strictly and may lead to disciplinary action.
    11. In case of a student  loses or damages a book, he/she will have to either replace the book or deposit twice the price of the book.
    12. Returns of the books are mandatory within specific time . Failure to return books on time would lead to penalty/ fine  of  5/- per day for all.
    13. The Librarian may ask or recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall return the same immediately.
    14. The Librarian may allow reissue of books by any user if the book is not in demand.
    15. After reading , make sure that the books, journals, magazines, Newspaper are kept back at their respective places.
    16. The members should take good care of  library furnishing and equipment. Make sure the library looks as good when you leave as it did when you came in.
    17. Library computer are for Academic purpose only. Do not tamper with the computer setting. Follow the internet safety guidelines.
    18. Users should obey the library rules and regulations. Violation of rules and any act of Misbehavior to the Librarian will lead to strong disciplinary action.